Monday 17 December 2012

Yes Snowboards 'Trouble Board' ft. Tupac and Biggie

If you're looking to buy some new Snowboarding gear, then check out the Trouble board by Yes. Featuring a sintered, die-cut base, shooting you through the park at heroic speeds, as well as a camrock profile, giving you a good amount of pop, this board features some great illustrations by Thom Lessner of Hip Hop’s biggest icons, Tupac and Biggie. Get yours now online at Yes.

"Who doesn’t agree on Tupac and Biggie? They're like the Hall and Oates of hip-hop. Making this design for Trevor was really awesome. Seeing him so passionate about these dudes and being able to facilitate that really rules. If everyone who sees these decks throws on ‘All About You’ or "Juicy", my work is done."
–Thom Lessner,

Nike Toki Premium Size? Exclusive

Nike Toki Premium Holiday 2012   size? Exclusive
Once again Nike and London’s size? hook up to drop a special version of their mid-top Nike Toki Premium. Constructed with premium soft leather, this size? exclusive is created using a mix of clean premium leather along-side understated nylon ripstop panelling in tonal colours being either Brown with Gold accents or Black with touches of Navy. Tonal coloring for the Swoosh branding and matching stitching throughout. Fresh white vulcanized soles with a lightly padded canvas tongue as well as a canvas heel cup and rope style laces to finish.
The two sneakers are now available from size?.

Thoughts of a Suicidal Mind - Youth Stories

 I have started to question the meaning of life.

I have started to wonder what the point of it all is.

I sit and wait for life to show me.

To show me why I am here at all.

Why I am meant to still be breathing the same air as everyone else.

Why I am still walking and talking with life in me at all.

Is it all a dream?

Is it all in my head?

Is my life just the thoughts of another person?

So until I find the truth behind these blue eyes…..

I will simply sit and wait.

For life to have meaning once again.  

I see crimson tears flowing through snow covered mountains.

You see blood running from a wrist.

I see silent crystal screams falling from a water fall of pain.

You see tears flowing from puffy red eyes.

I see confusion and a lost soul in a cave of despair.

You see a normal girl with her head down and talking to no one.

No matter how you see the pain it is still there.

I look in the mirror and see a ghost of the person I used to be.

The fake smile never leaving my face.

The laughter is nothing but echoes from my screams.

You see my pain yet never say a word, you stay silent like a winter forest.

I wonder if anyone can hear me, can see me or even care?

I look back at the mirror and see the truth.

So why can’t you?

Tuesday 11 December 2012

Wiltshire Roller Derby

I've decided to write a post about Wiltshire Roller Derby because a few weeks ago I hadn't the slightest clue what roller derby was, and neither do a lot of other people I've spoke to about it.
We should get to know more about it as our local team is amazing and we should all be supporting them and the sport itself, as the women that play roller derby serve as excellent role models!
Roller derby is more than just circling around on skates. It’s a fast, sometimes aggressive and very addictive sport. It’s great to watch and is a sport all about fun and fitness, a sport that doesn't discriminate and any body shape is an asset and it's a sport where you can embrace your own identity (some of the names given to individual players and teams are awesome)!

If this sounds like something you would like to be involved in and you live locally then click here  to find out more about joining the league 

Our (Swindon) local league is ‘Wiltshire Roller Derby’ which is an all female sports league based here in Swindon. Wiltshire Roller Derby is Wiltshire’s only roller derby league and the league has been together since March 2012. 
They train extremely hard to compete against other leagues both locally and nationally. 
Roller derby is all about fun, friendship and self growth and Wiltshire Roller Derby are dedicated to getting more women into sport and helping them to lead a more active lifestyle.
All of the training, planning and organising is done by the skaters, which they have to fit in between the skating and their day to day lives. Everybody involved with Wiltshire Roller Derby is very committed and just like other roller derby teams, a lot of people are putting in a lot of time, effort and their own money to grow the sport.

Support Your Local Roller Derby League

If you are interested in sponsoring Wiltshire Roller Derby there are various options available to local businesses, individuals and organisations

Please get in contact with them via email to find out more.
Wiltshire Roller Derby are supported by The Vic 

You can also support them by helping them to raise some funds. If you're doing any of your Christmas shopping online. You can raise free cash for WRD! They've raised £34.28 so far which should be transferred to them after the end of the year so still time to raise more! - 

But most importantly, show your support. Attend the tournaments and cheer them on. And be sure to attend any events they put on.

Visit the website
Follow the twitter-  @WiltsRD
Visit the Facebook

Main League training sessions are every Sunday from 6 - 8pm and Tuesday  8 - 10pm at Nova Hreod College in Swindon.

Regular 12 week beginners sessions are held on Thursday evenings from 7 - 8:30pm at Isambard Community School in Swindon.

Monday 3 December 2012

My 10 Quick and Easy Ways to Feeling Good!

1.     THINK POSITIVE- Most of the time how you feel is down to how you think, so try and replace every negative thought with a positive one. A good thing to also try is to make a list of the ten most things that make you happy, it can be combined with things about yourself that you love, people that make you happy and funny memories you have that instantly make you laugh/smile

2.     DO GOOD- Do something nice for someone. Helping somebody out is an instant mood-lifter. It can be anything from talking to your elderly neighbour for a few minutes instead of rushing past or giving a seat up on the bus. You could do a good deed for somebody or even just make sure you give out lots of compliments, even to strangers!

3.     KEEP GOOD COMPANY- Have a look around your circle of friends; are you surrounding yourself with good, honest, positive people? Keeping good company with positive people will always boost your self-esteem as well as giving you that sense of security and happiness.

4.     THINK ABOUT OTHERS- Take time to think about how others feel... If it seems like your partner/friend/family member is always getting at you lately, maybe they are having problems of their own and may need some help or someone to talk to. Also, remember that your moods have an effect on people, so try and bare that mind, especially when you’re around children.

5.     SMILE J It’s so simple, and just the act of smiling produces endorphins – the feel good hormones that banish the blues!

6.     TIDY- A messy room/house can aggravate a bad mood. Take a few minutes to make your room orderly and tidy. Remove all that unwanted clutter too, that’s a great way to improve your mood and give you that ‘freeing’ feeling.

7.     EXERCISE- Even if it’s just a quick refreshing walk around the block. The fresh air is a great way of helping you clear your mind. Exercise will boost your mood in many ways as well as keeping you healthy and in shape. You don’t need to hit the gym to exercise, there are plenty of workouts you can do in your own home.

8.     EAT HEALTHY- Bad moods can be caused by too much sugar, which can give you a surge of energy but then can be followed by a slump. Replace sugary snacks with fresh fruit and you’ll be energised with skin that glows as an added bonus. Drink plenty of water too, and you’ll soon feel the benefits.

9.     LISTEN TO MUSIC- Not that sad music or depressing love ballads when you’re going through a break-up. Happy, music with positive lyrics and an uplifting beat. If you’re able to, then sing from the top of your voice, maybe even dance too. Dance is a good way of keeping fit and releasing endorphins.

10.                      TALK- Talk to a friend if you feel upset or are worried about something. Chances are they would have felt the same at some point. Getting it off your chest helps loads and makes you feel so much better and sometimes it can be great to hear it from another prospective. If you don’t have anyone to talk to then tell a diary. Writing is a very good way of letting your emotions out and a great way or being able to understand how you’re feeling and why, once you read it back. If stress is keeping you awake at night, then an hour before you go to bed, write all your worries in a note pad, and then lock it away in a draw in another room. Doing this every night is very therapeutic.

Having said all that, sometimes, feeling sad is a good way to feel better! Sounds crazy right?
If it’s constructed, it can work. If you allow yourself a good cry every now and then it can be good way of letting everything out. Keeping your emotions in and letting them build up is never a good thing. I am a happy and positive person, but for some reason I always seem to feel a bit down on a Sunday, nothing to heavy, just not as happy as I usually am. So now I just allow myself to have some time to be down. I call it ‘Sunday sad day’. When my children are in bed on a Sunday evening, I’ll lie on the sofa in a blanket stuffing my face with chocolate and watching the saddest film I can find. I have a good old cry and it’s actually really refreshing, and leaves me feeling lighter for the rest of the week. Anything that’s annoyed or upset me in the week, I’ve let it all out because, whilst I was crying for the bloke that died at the end of the film, I was also crying for anything that has upset or annoyed me through the week or life in general. Also, because I recognise that I’m always that bit more emotional on a Sunday, I’ll refrain from sending any emotional text messages, or calling an ex for a ‘chat’ because I’ll only regret it the next day. It’s just Sunday’s, and for me it’s probably a combination of going out the night before so I’m tired and sometimes a little hung-over. My children are sometimes are at their dads for the weekend and don’t return until Sunday afternoon so I don’t get to do that sit down as a family and eat a roast thing. But it’s not just me, a lot of my friends feel the same on a Sunday and a couple of them have joined in with the ‘Sunday sad day’ practise. It really does help!

A Great Piece of Expressive Writing

At one of our recent expression workshops for young people, we had a section on expressive writing. One of the activities was to carry on a story from a sentence that had been pre-written. Here is one young man’s story…

Darkness pressed onto the outside of my skin I was falling…
There was no feeling, no safety or path other than down! As my descent gained speed I could feel the wind and rain pounding down on my frozen neck. Just when I started to believe I was undoubtedly dropping to my death my sub-conscious kicked in and before I knew it I was no longer falling to a certain death but floating endlessly to the paradise below. The only thing between me living and dying was the open parachute above me.
The adrenaline rush was beyond belief, but a much more powerful feeling was taking over. My curiosity for what I would fine on the ground below was over-powering. I had just been dropped from 20,000 feet from an army helicopter into unknown territory. My body was frozen but my heart was racing, pumping warm blood through my veins. I guess you could sum up these emotions as… Fear!!!
With a terrifying crack, which I later discovered to be was my ankle; I hit the ground and started my search for any life-forms I could find.
The first creature I came across struck fear into my heart.
It was human…