Monday 3 December 2012

A Great Piece of Expressive Writing

At one of our recent expression workshops for young people, we had a section on expressive writing. One of the activities was to carry on a story from a sentence that had been pre-written. Here is one young man’s story…

Darkness pressed onto the outside of my skin I was falling…
There was no feeling, no safety or path other than down! As my descent gained speed I could feel the wind and rain pounding down on my frozen neck. Just when I started to believe I was undoubtedly dropping to my death my sub-conscious kicked in and before I knew it I was no longer falling to a certain death but floating endlessly to the paradise below. The only thing between me living and dying was the open parachute above me.
The adrenaline rush was beyond belief, but a much more powerful feeling was taking over. My curiosity for what I would fine on the ground below was over-powering. I had just been dropped from 20,000 feet from an army helicopter into unknown territory. My body was frozen but my heart was racing, pumping warm blood through my veins. I guess you could sum up these emotions as… Fear!!!
With a terrifying crack, which I later discovered to be was my ankle; I hit the ground and started my search for any life-forms I could find.
The first creature I came across struck fear into my heart.
It was human…

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